Thursday, October 20, 2011
A driving story
Monday, April 4, 2011
Won’t you be my neighbor?

Yesterday I was out working in the yard, and the neighbor across the street came over to bring us some cupcakes. She apologized for not coming over earlier to meet us. She seemed really nice and told me if I saw a lot of traffic coming in and out of their house it was because they run a home business, and aren’t selling drugs! The chocolate cupcakes were a great addition to the bottle of Cabernet we were drinking later that evening (not the bottle the other neighbor brought over). A few people asked us if we were going to move after the house got broke into, and we said no we like the neighborhood. And having neighbors that actually care just makes me like it more.
What is the nicest thing as neighbor has done for you? Or are you the "nice" neighbor?
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
A couple of bright spots on a gray day
Friday, March 25, 2011
A pre-breakup letter to The Oregonian
Friday, March 18, 2011
Reasons I don't like Portland this week
1. The Shamrock Run. The race was fine but whoever setup the road closures should be fired. Don't lead people to believe a road is open only to find out it is closed and there is no place to turn around.
2. The Oregonian. In late February I gave you money for home delivery, where is it?
3. 911. If what I call about isn't an emergency, instead of transferring me to a line that tells me the non-emergency line number just transfer me. If I called 911, I am probably upset and not wanting to dig around my purse for a pen.
4. Punk ass bitches who brake into your home. Actually this is something I hate, and would love to inflict pain on this person. I think I would go finger braking with a hammer like I saw on Justified the other night.