Saturday, March 26, 2011

Look what just showed up!

Granted I had to call them again, but at least it's here.

When I looked at the date it was yesterday's paper!

A couple of bright spots on a gray day

You know that saying “if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all”?  Well if I followed that saying, I would never say a word!  I thought after my “you suck” post to The Oregonian, I would try and talk about a couple of place in Portland that I went to yesterday and really enjoyed. 

First stop was Swirl Frozen Yogurt.  I don’t know the last time I went out for Fr-Yo, maybe when I was a kid?  We got to the place right before they were opening, and the guy working was nice enough to let us in as it was raining.  I don’t think the guy realized what he was getting himself into, five double BOB strollers and 11 hungry kiddos.  The kids were running around grabbing cups and pretty much just being kids.  Once they opened we got a cup of blueberry/strawberry yogurt with granola and chopped almonds.  It seemed pretty healthy until the 3-year-old requested we add marshmallows.  It was delicious and I was sad that we decided to split it.  A second visit is on our agenda for this weekend.

The second stop is the only place that I would consider us regulars at, Laughing Planet Café.  When we were first checking out our house, the landlord recommended this place and I almost wish he hadn't as we are becoming addicts!  The food is super good and beyond reasonable priced.  Last night we had two burritos, a kid burrito, and a side of beans, a bowl of chips, two milks and two beers for less than $30 bucks.  Awesome deal huh?  I don’t think that we have ever had anything bad there and we eat there at least once a week. 

Where are you favorite places to hit up?

Friday, March 25, 2011

A pre-breakup letter to The Oregonian

Dear Oregonian,
I think we are about to say good-bye, I know that we haven’t known each other long but you suck.  Prior to you I had a wonderful relationship with a paper, every Sunday my husband would walk to the driveway and there the paper would be, waiting to be read.  Granted sometimes I was too busy to read it, and it sat by the front door for too long but that’s not the point.  I had paid for it, so it was up to me to decide what to do with.  Wait, you seem lost.  Let me explain.    

I give you money, and in turn you show up on my doorstep three days a week.  Granted I only wanted to get you one day a week, but I was told that wasn’t an option.  Pretty easy to follow right?  So why is that in the almost month I should have received you, you have only shown up on two of the days I requested and that was only after calling in and complaining?  I have no idea what it takes to get you on a regular basis but here is what I have done so far in attempts to win you over:

3/18-Automated service
3/19-Called in (paper delivered after speaking with someone)
3/20-Called in (paper delivered after speaking with someone)
3/20-Supervisor or the likes also calls me and advises that I will get my paper
3/25-Left message with distributor and according to the message I would get my paper within an hour
3/25-Leave the house and return almost five hours after the message was left and still nothing, yet another message
3/25-Completed delivery service satisfaction survey, not to positive

You might wonder why I might still want to get you and come tomorrow if you aren’t here, I am sorry to say we are done. 


Paperless in 97202

Friday, March 18, 2011

Reasons I don't like Portland this week

1.  The Shamrock Run.  The race was fine but whoever setup the road closures should be fired.  Don't lead people to believe a road is open only to find out it is closed and there is no place to turn around.
2.  The Oregonian.  In late February I gave you money for home delivery, where is it?
3.  911.  If what I call about isn't an emergency, instead of transferring me to a line that tells me the non-emergency line number just transfer me.  If I called 911, I am probably upset and not wanting to dig around my purse for a pen.
4.  Punk ass bitches who brake into your home.  Actually this is something I hate, and would love to inflict pain on this person.  I think I would go finger braking with a hammer like I saw on Justified the other night.